Giving a financial gift to Winnetka Covenant Church is vital to maintaining our many wonderful ministries so we can continue to grow. If you need assistance with online giving, please contact the church office at (847) 446-4300.
QR Code
A quick scan of the QR code shown here with your smart phone camera will take you directly to WCC's electronic giving application.
Stock Gifts
WCC is set up to handle gifts of stock and mutual funds through Covenant Trust Company. If practical, giving appreciated securities to WCC could provide a donor with significant tax savings. While the spirit of giving is key, a donation of appreciated stock or mutual funds can benefit the donor, who may be able to take advantage of an itemized deduction while also avoiding tax on capital gains. If you wish to inquire about donating stock or mutual fund shares,
please contact Mike Magnusson:
or call 847-583-3252.
Mike can then make arrangements to facilitate the transfer of the securities you wish to donate.
Mail a check to Winnetka Covenant Church or drop off a check in the office.
Givewcc Text
You may use your smart phone to give electronically by simply sending the text message "Givewcc" and then the amount you want to give to the number 73256.
· If you want to give $10 to WCC, send the text "Givewcc 10" to the number 73256.
· If you want to give $250 to WCC, send the text "Givewcc 250" to the number 73256.
Make a Pledge
A Pledge is:
Your commitment to give back to God a portion of what He has given you.
An opportunity to set a generous and attainable giving goal for yourself.
A way to commit to give to God from your first fruits. (Proverbs 3: 9-10)
Helpful to the church as it plans how far it can expand its ministry.
Not a debt that must be paid off if you experience negative financial changes.
A target amount you are certainly free to exceed.
Not judged by size, but by the willingness to give.
To make a pledge for calendar year 2024, please contact the church office.