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2 Celebrations and a Reflection


Hello friends! This is an un-blog this week, except that we might note God’s goodness shining through in these 2 announcements:

Beginning this Friday, February 10, we welcome Susan Lofton as our Office coordinator! Susan is a native of Glen Ellyn, a professional singer and choir director as well as an able administrator. We are so excited to have her joining our team! Watch for a congregational worship welcome sometime soon. Judy Isaacson will be working with Susan over the end of this week and next to mentor her into this role. Pray for this time! Also, we will have a celebration for Judy later this spring to celebrate her 23 years with us! This is an exciting development.

On Sunday, February 19, following worship, we will share lunch with New Vision Covenant Church in fellowship hall. This represents another healing “coming together” in the far reaches of COVID-19. New Vision will serve us lunch, and we are going to serve them a potluck of our desserts, so please bring a dessert to share a week from Sunday, February 19. We celebrate in these healing days.

Finally, a reflection. It was a year ago at our annual meeting that we came together to discern future plans and directions. Since that time we have faced many challenges, but we have been blessed with daily strength from the Spirit of God to move ahead together, still unified as a local body of Christ. We have lost some friends, and we carry sorrows of different sorts, but we are renewing our strength in life rhythms and the Good News of all who might belong.

Last week at the conclusion of the winter retreat I saw the picture of that strong gathered band of our church family together at camp, and my heart soared with hope. We have much to be thankful for!

Love From Here

Peter Hawkinson

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Winnetka Covenant Church    |   1200 Hibbard Rd, Wilmette, IL  60091   |   Tel: 847.446.4300
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