We’ve been blessed through years and decades by the ministry of Art Nelson. That blessing continues! And nowhere do Art’s gifts shine more than in his praying. It is poetic and lyrical, filled with images that we might sink into and dwell with for awhile.
One of those prayers called “Summer” comes back to me like an old friend in these magnificent early June moments. It’s from Art’s Book of Prayers. Read it, then linger with it, let your senses come alive and let your spirit rejoice:
For this time of year when sun rests high and days stand still, praise to you, O God, for whatever of re-creation happens for us and for your beautiful world.
Our children play games on chalked sidewalks, and neighbors love their porches for sitting and sipping cool drinks, and we all rejoice that trees are full green and birds and bugs make noises that create a very fine chorus.
Keep making us attentive to good things and even good news, that large and small occasions on long days and evenings might keep us aware that you visit us these months with growing and nurturing surprises for us to enjoy at the time. Let us file them away too for times when news is bleak and gray days make us feel that life is flat and you seem far away.
In our best hours we are sure of your changeless love, and summer is the pledge of the brightest weather of the heart.