The calligraphy is hard to read but it’s a wonderful and heartfelt pastor’s prayer, presented to my father by his congregation, Redeemer Covenant Church then on Chicago’s south side, 65 years ago when he was ordained. I read it every day! It comes from Martin Luther.
Maybe though you are not a pastor, it’s spirit and urgency can connect with your own journey with the ministry of Christ:
Lord God, Thou hast made me a pastor and teacher in the Church. Thou seest how unfit I am to administer rightly this great and responsible office; and had I been without Thy aid and counsel I would surely have ruined it all long ago. Therefore do I invoke Thee. How gladly do I desire to yield and consecrate my heart and mouth to this ministry! I desire to teach the congregation. I, too, desire ever to learn and to keep Thy Word my constant companion, and to meditate thereupon earnestly. Use me as Thy instrument in Thy service. Only do not Thou forsake me, for if I am left to myself, I will certainly bring it all to destruction. Amen.
With you in Prayer,
Peter Hawkinson