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Getting Up Early

I’m not a “get up early person” unless it involves the prospect of a little white ball or the start of a vacation. No, usually waking up about 7, I love to keep hitting the snooze button and wade in and out of sleep for another hour or so. This is true especially with the years adding up!

But lately our yellow Labrador Retriever will have none of it. He sleeps hard and wakes up fast. No snooze button in the morning’s early on. It’s usually around 445 or 5 if I’m lucky, and here’s how it goes. I’m a side sleeper. If I’m on my right hip, facing the bed’s middle, I get a sudden paw scrape on my back and shoulder. If I’m on my left hip, facing outward, the scrape gives way to a face lick or even worse when bear find my ear canal before I can protect myself! I roll away from him, as if to say no, and within a minute he is standing at the door letting out a roaring bark. UUGH!

“Rise and Shine!” he says clear as day. Who says dogs can’t talk? So down we go for food and back yard relief. Mumbling my disapproval and rubbing my eyes, I am greeted by nature’s wonder. The birds sing louder it seems, or maybe it’s just that the busy world isn’t on the move quite yet. Rabbits and squirrels and chipmunks scatter, already fast into their day’s work. I face the sun most days these days rising early, regally, and that unique early morning color starts its show. before long, with a steaming cup of coffee in my hand, my spirit is fully awake and alive, and I’m grateful to be up. (Just to clarify, I am NOT grateful at the start of this process, but I am later on!)

I find I need no text or hymn or prayer to worship the One who is my Creator, Redeemer, and Sustainer. My heart and mind, my spirit is already full for the gift of another day, and the green beauty, and holy time to sit still and reflect on God’s presence and promises.

Don’t get me wrong, I seriously hope this trend will not continue into fall and winter’s diminishing light and cold. I hope Bear will sleep longer because of the darkness. But for now, it’s ok, it’s even a good blessing — that is, once I’m up.

Love from here!

Peter Hawkinson

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