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It’s Time!


I was glad when they said to me, “Let us go to the house of the LORD!” Our feet are standing within your gates, O Jerusalem. (Psalm 122:1-2)

I am excited beyond words for this Sunday! Yes, it’s Easter, and the news is as good as it gets! Yes, my phone’s weather app says its going to be sunny and 65 degrees! But what captivates my spirit is the thought of being together again, really all together again!

WE ARE GATHERING FOR WORSHIP OUTSIDE AT 10:30, AND I AM URGING YOU TO BE THERE! Just for one holy moment, because we can be outside, limited numbers fall by the wayside. Familiar restrictions remain. Personal distancing, and mask-wearing stay with us. Our touches, even embraces will soon re-commence, but not quite yet. But we are copying and folding 200 bulletins, and I hope we can hand them all out!

Together we will hear the story of Jesus’ resurrection, and sing “Christ the Lord is Risen Today!” as we ponder its meaning yet for us. We will have the chance to look into each other’s eyes once again, and see how much all the children have grown. We will share in the resurrection feast of Holy Communion, and we have a way to do that safely. We will sing the Lord’s Prayer to our God, and “The Lord Bless You and Keep You” to each other. And though we won’t be able to become a mass choir and sing the Hallelujah chorus, we have a special end to our service planned. All will be invited into the sanctuary space and narthex, finding space, to hear Charles-Marie Widor’s Toccata played by our own Joshua smith. It’s a seven minute grand piece that seems to imagine what the sound of entry into God’s glory might be like.

Then we will make our way back outside to renew friendships and greet each other informally before heading off into the afternoon sunshine.

Reflect on the words of the ancient psalm above, that the Israelites would sing together as they walked up into the holy city. It’s a celebration of being together in one place, at one time, to worship God together. And though it is most certainly true that we ARE the Church much more than we COME to Church, it’s time, it’s time for us to come together again, our feet standing in the same place for the first time in a long time!

So come, please! Come and invites some friends to join you. Bring your lawn chairs (we’ll have chairs if you need them!) and keeping wearing your mask (we have some of them too!). Find your spot on the lawn, and come with your heart wide open to rejoice.

Hoping for 200! Love from here!



A reminder that this outdoor service will be live-streamed on our you tube channel at 10:30. We completely understand that some of us for health and safety reasons will not be able to join in person. Join us on-line!

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Winnetka Covenant Church    |   1200 Hibbard Rd, Wilmette, IL  60091   |   Tel: 847.446.4300
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