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Sabbatical Time


From The NetworkJanuary 2019

Our senior pastor Pete is on sabbatical for the months of January through March, and in recognition of that he shared this poem of his creation in the church newsletter.

May the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with your spirit, brothers and sisters. Amen (Galatians 6:18)

Sabbatical Time Brothers and sisters we are, bound together by days and years of experience and emotion.

Knitted together by our Christ, and by God’s Spirit, brothers and sisters we are.

Grace the noun, and the verb, what we share and bless each other with along the way.

We journey now for a time apart, yet in deepest reality we are connected most deeply to each other.

How is it? How can it be that this prayer holds us close in the grace of God

When we don’t share Worship and sacrament Coffee and conversation?

It must be more, God, of your Holy handiwork, for Brothers and sisters we are.

So May the grace of Christ Be with your spirit In the days to come.

Let it be so! Amen. Peter Hawkinson

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