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Sea Billows Roll Today


On this holy day we have lost two dear friends, John Couleur and Patty Frazer. Today the sea billows roll, not only where the hurricane Ian is taking hold, but here in our midst, as we walk through the valley of the shadow of death together. Fresh from the memorial services for Vivian Edstrom, Everett Jackson, Arnie Bolin, Mary Olson, Joan Erickson and Howard Geake, and awaiting the home-goings of Marion Christensen and Mary Koules, Kathy Davis, and Bruce McClellan, oh! How the sea billows roll. Even though we have hope in the bright shining glory of God, How hard it is to lose sisters and brothers!

Hope remains, defiantly: “Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for thou art with me….surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life, and I shall dwell in the house of the LORD forever.”

In this rather overwhelming time of loss, and clinging to hope, I return to the poetic words of my grandfather Eric, which he wrote on his 40th birthday, April 28, 1936. I dedicate it’s expression today to all these saints who have and are leaving us. May their memories be a blessing, and may the Holy Spirit of God comfort their loved ones.


I want no pomp, I want no state,

I want no colorful debate

Of what I was, or could have been;

Just take me out and tuck me in,

In Mother Earth beneath the sky.

‘Twas good to live, but good to die,

Just leave me in the wind and rain

With flowers that bloom and fade again,

‘Neath winter’s snow and April shower,

In calm repose ’til waking hour,

Just tuck me ‘neath the sod

With friendly hand, but speak of God.

With grief and hope,

Peter Hawkinson

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