Dedicated to singer/songwriter Bruce Cockburn and his song, “Lord of the Starfields”, the words of which appear here in italics.
wondering what to write
is it possible to find words for glory seen
smelled, sniffled allergies and all
life growing everywhere, sultry wind
soothing, bringing to life in me
gratitude, awe, wonder —
wings of the storm cloud
beginning and end
You make my heart leap
Like a banner in the wind.
all creation gives thanks, me too.
taking time to lay down and watch new life
blowing around blue skies
seems impossible after winter past
and all its sorrows and calamities.
smell now of barbecues and lilacs
whetting appetites for backyard gatherings
food and loved ones.
Lord of the star fields
Sower of life
Heaven and Earth are
Full of your light
all creation gives thanks, me too.
light is here before my morning eyes open
light stays late, sets slow,
star-shine takes over, wooing me
into conversation with the
Lord of the star fields,
Ancient of Days
Universe Maker,
here’s a song in your praise…
all creation gives thanks, me too.
critter cries, a pentecost symphony
clattering chirps and barks and howls
speaking from where they are
that life has come back again
together they sing
Sower of life
heaven and earth are
full of your light.
all creation gives thanks, me too.
want to stay here, right here
forever in this glowing life
with creation and its creatures
growing, full of life
Oh, Love that fires the sun,
keep me burning.
Summer, stay!
all creation gives thanks, me too.
Peter Hawkinson