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The Cure for Pain


Hebrews 12:1, “Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles, and let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us.”

This morning the song, “The Cure for Pain” by Jon Foreman (the former lead singer of Switchfoot) came on and I have been listening to it on repeat ever since. Whether you have heard the song before or not, I invite you to click this link to listen to it before continuing to read this blog-

There are many lyrics that I could highlight, but I want to focus on the line that is repeated throughout the song, “it would be a lie to run away.”

It goes without saying that each one of us recently has looked at the “race marked out for us” and questioned if we have the endurance to run it. I’m not talking physically, but spiritually.

We’ve been through an exhausting season and reprieve is not in sight yet. It can be so tempting to give-up, to stop, to run away from the difficulties.

We know we are surrounded by a great cloud of witness, but when things feel so overwhelming, it can be easy to believe the lie that the fellowship around us isn’t enough.

There is a lot I don’t know but one thing I’m certain of is that it would be a lie for me to run away from the race marked out for us. The only cure for the consistent longing of my spirit is our Lord Jesus Christ, the author and perfecter of our faith.

So my invitation to you today is when you are afraid, disappointed, worried or tired is for you to turn on this song and read Hebrews 12. I would invite you to prayerfully ask the Holy Spirit to remind you why it would be a lie to run away from whatever is weighing heavy on you that day and what Jesus is calling you to.

I pray that a great cloud of witnesses would surround you to help process the pain that you are feeling so you could run the race marked out for us with perseverance, love and hope.  In God’s mercy,

Pastor Joel

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