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The Harvest is Plentiful


Matthew 9:37-28, “Then Jesus said to his disciples, “The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.”

Almost a month ago, I wrote a blog post here called. “You are what you eat.”

I posed a question there- are we consuming fears, anxiety and negativity? Is that why we are becoming afraid, anxious and downtrodden?

I have gotten into the emotionally-taxing habit of watching videos on Youtube or Facebook that consist mainly of one group of people being angry at something else.

Everything from protests in Minnesota to remove the “Shelter in Place” order to healthcare workers responding to not being able to get to work because of traffic jams that these protests have caused.

I never intentionally sit-down and plan on watch videos like this- I kind of stumble into them. Then, the spiraling occurs. The next suggested video comes on & brings about the same level of fear, anxiety & negativity.

I feel paralyzed because I become aware that “the Harvest is plentiful.” There is so much work to be done. Lives need to be saved, economies need to be strengthened, relationships need to be reconciled.

Also, while I am sheltered in place, it can feel even more like “the workers are few” because of the limited in-person interactions I have had in the following month. When these two realities combine, I don’t know what to do.

The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few.

I turn to this verse for encouragement on how to handle this situation because Christ doesn’t end his sentence there. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.

God, that is my prayer today. I know this is your will today & therefore I seek to align my prayer, my life with you.

So today I’m putting on my work boots to play my role in working to your Kingdom purposes.  I know that my own human agency is not enough.  I pray that you send out more workers to join me.  I pray together we would be unified in this time to bring your peace and your strength to our world today. Amen.

~Pastor Joel

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