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Trust and Risk Part Two

Yesterday Pastor Pete preached about two words- trust & risk.

If you haven’t listened to the service already, I highly recommend it; it can be found at the following link:

When I was listening to the sermon, I was struck by the realization that so often I view risk within the idea of what I have to lose. I rarely think about risk within the idea of what I have to gain.

For me, and I’m assuming so many of us, it is easier to focus on the negative than the positive. I can receive 99 words of encouragement but 1 comment highlighting my shortcomings will be what I focus on.

In risks, we think about the worst case scenarios, the consequences of things not going accordingly to the way we hope, the potential downfalls. As we know, with risks there are also best case scenarios, benefits that could be achieved and new opportunities and blessing.

Hebrews 11:1 says, “Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see.”

I have a lot of hope for our world- that we would be rooted in love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. I hope for justice, redemption and righteousness. I hope that people would do nothing out of self-ambition, but instead view other’s as better than themselves.

It’s a risk to try and pursue these ideals in our everyday life. We can think our actions might not bring about these characteristics more in others and in our world. Even if we are bringing people closer to the Kingdom of Heaven, we might not always even see it with our own eyes.

That is why we need to trust in God. Trust that the risks we take of the Kingdom are worth it & ultimately will bring about the hopes that we have for all of Creration.

So today, I invite you to look at risks with a positive spin. What incredible thing could come in your life, if you stay focused on what the Holy Spirit is doing in the world?

~Pastor Joel

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