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Wake Me Up

“Wake me up when 2020 ends.”

I’ve heard and seen this statement from multiple different people recently.

The death of Kobe Bryant and seven other passengers in a helicopter crash.

The Coronavirus pandemic overwhelming hospitals and locking down countries, while killing over 370,000 people world wide.

An economic decline as the Dow Jones fell 2,997 points in one day- the biggest drop in over 30 years.

The killings of Ahmaud Arbery, Breonna Taylor and George Floyd- as well as many other unarmed black men and women.

Businesses being looted, while there are fires in the street, all filmed on camera and streamed live on national television.

All of these events have contributed to people saying,

“Wake me up when 2020 ends.”

Today, I want us to think more about what this statement communicates- about someone’s mindset, about someone’s posture, about someone’s life, about someone’s faith.

As the Body of Christ, we pray for reconciliation. We pray for peace. We pray for justice.

We pray that Jesus would reign and God’s glory would be revealed.

But do we take an active role in reconciliation, peace and justice? Or do we passively wait hoping it comes whether we do anything or not?

Micah 6:8 says, “He has shown you, O mortal, what is good. And what does the Lord require of you? To act justly and love mercy, and to walk humbly with our God.

Today my prayer is that each one of us who reads this would do the work of determining what our role is in the Body of Christ. That we would not look to our own self-interests, but the interests of others- the interest of our Creator. I pray we would not allow God’s radical love and call on our lives to be contained in our comfort, convenience and preference.

We look around us and see that our world is hurting.

Our world has been hurting and crying out long before the turn of the calendar.

Death, illness, poverty, racism and violence- these elements are present now, they have been present throughout our country’s history and will continue to be present going forward until Jesus returns again.

The question is not just what are we going to do about them in 2020.

The question is what are we going to do about them for the rest of our lives.

Will we be active or passive in the Kingdom coming to Earth?

I hope we change our statements going forward.

“Wake me up, so I can work.”

~Pastor Joel

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