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A Letter from the Church Library


With fall soon upon us and winter not far behind, this is a perfect time to plan your winter reading. The library has many good books, both fiction and non-fiction…some old classics… and some that are sure to be ‘new’ old classics. Feel free to stop in and spend some time in the library, taking advantage of the comfortable seating and quiet atmosphere. There is even a cozy afghan in case you want to curl up and read.

All the books have a library card in the front (or back, depending on its age) which you may fill in with your name and the date borrowed. There is a box close to the door for those cards. There is no set time limit for each book, but we ask that you read and return them in a timely manner so that others may read them too.

Not all books are light reading. Some will challenge you and cause you to think…maybe even cause you to rethink how you feel about a particular subject. We have books that comfort, books that challenge, books that inform, and books that excite. Good libraries are that way – something for everyone.

If you have a current book that you have finished reading and would like to donate to the library, the committee would be happy to review it. We ask that all books, fiction or non-fiction, have a religious theme. We are primary interested in recently published books, but old classics will be reviewed as well.

Remember, too, that our library has a bountiful supply of family-friendly puzzles. They do not need to be checked out…just take them home and enjoy. If you find you love one, feel free to keep it. Our supply is replenished frequently. Or return it for others to enjoy.

Finally, in this day and age when research is easy to do on the internet, I want to point out that we have many, many reference materials. There is a table in the library to spread out and do your research if you love the idea of doing it the old fashioned way.

The library is here for you. Are you interested in a particular book? Feel free to call me. I’ll let you know if we have it or figure out a way to get it for you. In addition to those books in the church library, I have a personal collection I’m happy to lend out.

On October 1st the library committee is going to lead the adult Sunday School class, reviewing some books in person, and passing out written reviews of other. Please join us. Others on the committee are Thom Morris, Jan Annes, Rev. Art Nelson, and Debbie Rieber.

Judi Geake

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