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Gathering Together Again


“And let us consider how to provoke one another to love and good deeds, not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the Day approaching.” (Hebrews 10:24-25)

“Remember the Sabbath day at keep it holy.” (Exodus 20:8)

We used to call it “Rally Sunday”. Then “Fall Kick-Off” Now it’s “Re-Gathering Sunday”. Whatever it is, it’s the first Sunday after Labor Day, and it feels as much like anytime as the start of a new year as we return to school and work, and the most “vacationy” time of the year is behind us. And in our American culture it’s the Sunday when we re-gather in our fullest sense, and feel the energy of greeting each other again as we worship and fellowship together.

I want to encourage you to be here with us!

Now, more than ever, it seems so important and rather counter-cultural to heed the commands and invitations to keeping the sabbath day, because not to remember it and keep it holy (hallow it) will inevitably lead to it’s loss.

Now I know all about cultural change, its habits and patterns, and how this has saturated our Christian culture too. 30 years ago, when I began in pastoral ministry, the stats were that 75 percent of church members attended Sunday worship 3 times a month. The stats now show us that 75 percent of us attend Sunday worship 2 times a month or less.

I share this NOT to guilt or shame in any way, but to rather ask with an inviting spirit that we all consider the ways we can re-engage with our spiritual community and practices on the sabbath day. The ancient themes are far from obligatory, instead positive and life-giving — prayer, and play, and food, and rest, and in it all re-membering ourselves — body, mind, and spirit, in the steadfast love of God.

I believe in this post-covid time of so many leaving spiritual community behind, it becomes more important for us to be together, to see each other, and to have some sense of living through life together than it used to be. I think also that it’s more difficult, more challenging, because it is no longer a normal cultural practice, and trends are leading us away from keeping the Lord’s Day the Lord’s Day.

But the thought remains, indeed God’s strong word that it’s embrace will be good for us and is necessary for our flourishing through the week ahead. I love how the Hebrew writer connects “meeting together” with “encouraging one another”. Worshipping God orders our lives in mercy and grace. Sunday School helps us to grow as disciples of Jesus. Sharing lunch sandwiches (around new round tables!) is nothing short of a family reunion, and our offerings in the lunch baskets will help our youth ministry thrive.

In our own local church context, my scan tells me that there are 375 of us who would say we are actively involved in the church and/or call Winnetka Covenant church our home. Let’s see what we can do to fill up the sanctuary and run clean out of sandwiches!

All the more, all the more as the practice fades from our culture, we need as people of faith to remember the sabbath day and hallow it. Now is a great time to renew that practice. Pray about it.

Upper Room All Age Celebration with coffee and treats, 9:30

Worship with choir, band, and handbells, 10:30

Sandwich Lunch, With offering for Youth Ministry, 11:30

Love From Here

Peter Hawkinson

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